A short list of tools that we have created along the way. Either directly associated with chatbot design and creation, or not.
Gantt charts are a great way for visualising projects, only we’ve found that ‘cause we only need to make one on the odd occasion, a full project management suite just to create and update a simple list of tasks and a chart is overkill.
We’ve always wondered how a spreadsheet could be repurposed to create those familiar looking bars, but the add ons that exist are a bit expensive, and really, for what we need, there are too many features to learn. We don’t need calendar views, kanban boards, task dependencies, resource balancing and all those other features and we like being able to shuffle rows around and change things using familiar spreadsheety menus.
Just let us type in a few dates and show it as a Gantt chart !
Introducing what is perhaps the second simplest and third cheapest Gantt chart creator on this glorious planet.
What does it do ?
Give it a list of tasks with start and end dates, and a Gantt chart magically appears. The column representing today’s tasks is automatically highlighted in yellow.
Add your local holidays to the “Holidays” sheet and holiday columns will be highlighted (low lighted ?) in grey.
Add names and initials of resources into the “People” sheet and allocate their names to tasks.
A new “Schedule” menu allows the easy creation of new rows for additional tasks, or adding more days to the sheet - in both cases the appropriate functions are pre-filled into the spreadsheet cells. Show or hide weekends using the same menu.
The bottom line is that this is dead simple, and we’d like to see it being used by like minded, simple folk. So we are keeping the price and terms of use as simple as possible. Buy a copy outright for $30 and you can use it as much as you like.
Buy it, use it, share it, send it. Gantt your self crazy.
If you are using it and you work in a decent sized organisation - like maybe bigger than 50 people - and this is a tool that lots of you like, use and rely on, then contact us and we can talk in volumes.
In time, we might release an updated version, which will most likely mean another outright purchase.